Thursday, November 29, 2012

C25K Treadmill

I made the somewhat insane decision that I want to run a half-marathon. Despite the fact that I've barely been running for months.

I reasoned that one of the main reasons I haven't been putting much effort into running is that I don't have a set goal. Before my first 5K, I was relatively consistent with my training, and I did much better than I originally thought I would.

So...September 6th, 2013. Me. Running 13.1 miles. And then possibly dying.

Last week, I decided that this week I would start the C25K Treadmill running schedule that I found here. On Tuesday, I woke up with a painfully sore neck, for no obvious reason. So, again, I procrastinated.

Then, this morning...

I put my child on the bus wearing my pajamas. This is NOT ok.

Renardo would agree...

And made the decision that it would be better to skip the first workout of the first week and stay on schedule than it would be to push it back yet another week (and perhaps another, and another).

C25K Treadmill
Week 1, Workout 2

I ran 1.76 miles in 30 minutes.

Warm-up: 3.3 mph
Walking: 3.3 mph
Running: 4.3 mph
Cool-down: 3.0 mph

My plan is to run Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Tuesday may have been a bust, but I did what I set out to do.

Other tidbits from my not running life...

Always, Tudder